I cannot ‘other’ those that took the injections. If we do, we go down the road of bad actors of the past. I have to have faith that these injections will eventually wear off and will not horribly alter our species. I cannot just write off 90% of my family and friends.

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We can only hope and pray that this will happen. Most everyone I know will be gone...

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I have a hard time seeing the vaxxed, particularly those that weren’t coerced and just got it out of sheer stupidity as human. I mean a human being does not get an experimental injection without informed consent. They remind me of the boys turning into donkeys on Pleasure Island in Pinocchio, just gleefully sacrificing their humanity for a little fun.

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It is hard for us to understand. I know intelligent people who just did not question anything about the vaccine. They just wanted to travel and go to events. So they went with the program and got the Jab. They never questioned whether or not it was safe. The “authorities” said get it or you can’t do shit. So they rolled up their sleeves and willing euthanized themselves. We have a nation that is filled with conformists who will always do what they are told. There is a natural selection thing going on here (I think). The human herd is being culled of the blindly obedient and dumb as owl shit.

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But a lot of these people are the ones who are higher functioning in society. The types that I as an autistic need to clean my room, do my paperwork, change my diapers as it were. All that’s going to be left is highly dysfunctional people that are either red neck idiots who got the right answer for the wrong reasons or super genius types that can’t tie their own shoes let alone run society. Who is going to threaten me with bad grades for not studying graduate level math harder?!

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Apr 30, 2022Liked by Lawrence Butts

I WILL only *other* the people pushing the vaxxes. However, to ignore the distinct possibility of the vaxxed population evolving along a different path is to willfully stick one's head in the sand.

It is approaching Swimming Season, but I refuse to swim in Denial.

I FEEL Sorry for the vaxxed, and I have friends and relatives in that category, BUT I will follow the (real) science / factual evidence - WHEREVER it leads ...

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I am with you... let's connect with the real world and the real world of science.

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Apr 30, 2022Liked by Lawrence Butts

The only vaxxed I feel sorry for are the coerced by jobs, family, or "friends" (Would real friends do that to you?), and little kids. The rest are scum, to me.

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I agree... I could have been one of them... forced into it in an attempt to keep my family fed. The others are POS.

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Haha swimming in denial good one.

I can agree with holding those pushing these injections accountable.

We as a species have had many, many other things that have possibly changed our bodies throughout our very long history, and these things either were bred in or out, or those that had the interesting characteristics died off. There’s no way there will be 2 distinct species. It goes against human nature. We have been more of a melting pot as time goes on, not less. If anything, I see these injections causing infertility in generations down the road, like other poisons in our environment.

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Apr 30, 2022Liked by Lawrence Butts

There is some emerging data that would suggest a child born to “vaccinated” parents (both parents jabbed) will be infertile. Igor Chudov has covered this a bit on his Substack.

That fits nicely with the desire for depopulation.

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Right and the hidden DNA changes might now show up until a generation or two down the road...

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Sometimes I write that historians in the future will consider "global warming" to be the biggest crime, even worse than war, Communism, nuclear weapons, racism, slavery, drug addiction, CRT, Satanism, whatever.

But this mRNA cluster certainly gives that some competition.

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Global *Warming* ... ???

You spelled biggest "SCAM" wrong!

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May 3, 2022Liked by Lawrence Butts

Will there be historians in future? Will there be humans who have the leisure and luxury of writing history? I doubt it.

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I have to agree with you, perhaps the only humans "writing" history will be the ones running AI at the "Global Ministry of Truth."

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God always has a remnant. Have faith.

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Apr 30, 2022Liked by Lawrence Butts

mRNA is just an early part of their climate change propaganda, which is a precursor to their push for mandated Sunday Sabbath and Noahide law enforcement by goons, the mark of the papacy and Babylonian Nimrod worship. The same tact they used to kill the Reformation at the Council of Trent. Shame on all the Protestants who compormised and yielded to this edict to this day. Their so-called Lord in their so-called Lord's day is Satan, that little murderous lying minx.

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I agree w you that these jabs are leading us into the next phase, eventually we will arrive at climate lockdowns much worse than what we just endured.

All part of the same scam.

But what are Noahide laws?

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I found a song about the Noahide laws:


Actually about a book called The Island of Dr. Moreau but I swear H.G. Wells was inspired by the Talmud.

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May 3, 2022·edited May 3, 2022

The Noahide laws are a lie concocted by the Talmudic Jews of Judaism, which exists to this day in their writings and actions. These are not the Laws God gave to Noah for man after they left the ark. They are the opposite, yet these Jews say they are of God.

God said no man shall kill another, or they will answer to God with their blood because He made man. This wacked Satan ridden sect of Jews uses this lie to kill people for Satan via Guillotine, poison, sword, strangle, and fire. These Noahide laws are in US laws, the Jesuit Oath, and other societies.

Many Guillotines have been purchased and stored from what I hear, and what is shown. You can google this stuff. The STATE of Israel has them too. I imagine the rest of the UN does also. I think you'll find it interesting who the manufacturer is. Anyway, I hope this helps.

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Just some wild stabs in the dark for the Manufacturer, before I go search the interwebz:

- Chinese company

- possibly in connection w MalMart


- some modern day version of an IG Farben-type company

- intersection of BigPharma & BigFarma (agro)

- Prlly a company w experience making surgical blades? Or farm slaughterhouse equipment, for batch processing?

*shudders *

- Not sure if they'd prefer high quality/German efficiency, or go the more affordable route, Chinese mass production, & just change the blades more frequently

OK, I am off to find the answer.

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Ha! It's worse than that. Think cosmetics. You made a logical and reasonable stab. I wouldn't have guessed this maker, either.

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Well decimating humanity would be one way of making global warming go away.

Another way could be nuclear winter.

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May 26, 2022·edited May 26, 2022

??? ... siiiighhhh, Nope.

Please, for The Love of God, read a pre 1980 textbook on real science / geology / meteorology.

In it, you will discover that the actual source of 99% of the "Climate Change" is NOT man-made ... it's caused by THE SUN and VOLCANOS.

There is NOTHING we can do about either of them and ALL our PUNY efforts will not even overcome the effects of the 3 worst polluters: China, India, Malaysia, none of whom are doing a damn thing about Climate Change.

Speaking of doing Nothing, you may want to look at where all the worst polluting people (who's who of Davos WEF-TARDS) own property ... OCEAN & BEACHFRONT!!! And they do NOTHING to reduce their own families' carbon footprints, so FORGET ABOUT THEM Hypocritical LYING Asshats!

Man made Climate change ... As IF!

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I think climate change is caused more by ozone depletion anyway.

Volcanoes? Not sure, they might cancel out because of reflecting sunlight, similar to nuclear winter effect. But the solar cycles is a good point. We’ve been in a sunspot high since the start of the Industrial Revolution. Maybe it caused the Industrial Revolution by reducing diseases with high levels of UV radiation increasing vitamin D levels and hydroxyl radicals which kill airborne viruses. I think we’re coming down from the century long high now though which will cause more pandemics and mRNA vaccines will surely exacerbate that.

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Or maybe just buy an EV and feel good about myself?

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Apr 30, 2022Liked by Lawrence Butts

Good stuff here... subscribe to this

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Thanks, Lawrence, subscribed.

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Apr 30, 2022Liked by Lawrence Butts

Thank you Lawrence....it does seem like the new species is not as viable. What a thing to do to what was a human being. Can we ever forgive ourselves? Should we?

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No and we should never forget what has been done here. We have messed with the blueprint of life without a complete understanding of it. Our descendants will shake their heads in disbelief at our childish and primitive foray into the modification of the human genome.

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Apr 30, 2022Liked by Lawrence Butts

I happen to be working on blueprints literally, right now...and I can tell you that even understanding how to draw a foundation wall on a hillside is enough to confuse me, nevermind the effing genome messing. I guess we wont have to worry about forgetting this anytime soon...and I do hope we have descendants, that are viable. Best

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Thanks Jacquelyn... always enjoy your insight and comments. I hope we have descendants too! I hope this isn't the end of humans.

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Apr 30, 2022Liked by Lawrence Butts

Why should we forgive ourselves? I have not encouraged anyone to take the clot shot. Have you?

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We (you and me and most who read this) have nothing to ashamed of or to be forgiven for but we (as a society and a people) should never be forgiven for what has happened. It should always be part of the "this will never happen again" in our history and in the education of our children.

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Apr 30, 2022·edited Apr 30, 2022Liked by Lawrence Butts

“And forgive us OUR trespasses, as we forgive those who trespass against us.” The Lord’s Prayer, the Our Father. How can you be forgiven if you do not forgive others for their mistakes? They have to live with their decisions, just as we do. We are all sinners. And yet God’s mercy and forgiveness is never conditional.

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Yes Renee...thank you for this.

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I believe that “it” was/is a test: Man vs. God. And most importantly, FREE WILL.

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May 2, 2022Liked by Lawrence Butts

Karma will eventually come for all the people who pushed these jabs. I have better things to do with my time on this Earth.

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Actually a major thought is that a good bit of human DNA is result of remnants left behind from foreign viral infections our distant ancestors passed them on to us. From viruses that didn’t kill the whole population. I didn’t take the jab cause 1. It was experimental 2. It used m-RNA and could easily get in DNA strands. And 3. They needed a control group for a real scientific experiment. I knew nothing prior to covid going viral about it but rapidly knew my risks were smal, less than 1%!! So… i never got sick.

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Right.... alterations from many sources have and do effect our DNA. The problem here is an engineered bit of RNA that self-replicates the spike protein of the original virus encased in an immune system evading (and fooling) lipid nano particle. So this is new territory for the human body. The potential is there for DNA alterations that are invisible and inactive until the next generation is born. Just the fact the vaccine destroys the proteins that enable DNA repair mechanisms to functions will most certainly lead to DNA alterations and host of rapidly spreading cancers. So this could result in a host of things that will need to be done in the future. Isolation of vaccinated people from the gene pool and even castration to prevent breeding may be necessary to protect the human genome. This all sounds horrible but the integrity of the human genome is what allows our race to continue. We will have to protect it.

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All placental mammals have endogenous retroviruses whose genes are now used to form the syncytium of the placenta. A vaccine against a virus such as a retrovirus with genes similar to this could cause some autoimmunity to being pregnant.

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Apr 30, 2022Liked by Lawrence Butts

Here is a nice compilation of vids about the sect of perpetrators of this crime, and the blind followers and worshipers of the same. https://odysee.com/@signalsofvirtue:d/Jesuit-Jumble-Part-4:9 (this is part 4, but I suggest starting at part 1)

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May 22, 2022Liked by Lawrence Butts

Maybe the vaxxed will devolve into something like the Morlocks, from H.G. Wells', "The Time Machine". They probably won't last long though, as they seem to be enthusiastic about saccing their own offspring.

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What a great story and I liked the movie too... The tree of human evolution has definitely branched... let's hope it's not Morlock oriented... LOL.. Who knows, we may have to isolate the vaccinated that are left. We most likely will not want them in the gene pool. Silent DNA alterations may not show up for a couple generations and suddenly you got babies with 3 arms and anus in their leg.

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I think they would end up more like the Eloi who are the remnants of the spoiled and pampered.

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Excellent. Somehow I don't think the Atlantic will pick this up for next edition.

But I would like to post this on every telephone pole, community bulletin board in every gas station I could

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Thanks John... I would imagine the Atlantic would be a bit opposed to this bit of unvarnished truth. I had a subscriber tell me once I was as far as one could go down the vaccine rabbit hole. No wonder I always loved Alice in Wonderland... LOL

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You are not in rabbit hole. At least on this one!

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Apr 30, 2022Liked by Lawrence Butts

I wrote that bit about the rabbit hole, Lawrence. Not sure it cane across as intended lol. Somebody throw us some carrots of truth.

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Ok - I remember now - I though it was cool complement. Still do - thanks -

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The truth will set you free and get you banned in the empire of lies..

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YW Lawrence. In 1974, as 14 yr old, I started being stupefied by what supposed Catholic priests, nuns, educators were saying. Decades. Rosary, Brown Scapular.... bam I discovered logic of sedevacantism : a non Catholic can't become Pope. Church headed by Francis is in great apostasy and isn'ttheCatholicChurch, whichisa remnant.. told everyone. CRAAAAZY.

A couple yes later, Mar 2020...

Hey, guys, mass depopulation plan, Covid is a chastisement....

They are linked...

How do you think that went over?

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Is this related to the so-called black pope or anti-pope? I have never understood what is meant by that. Something about bloodlines, powerful families, people whose names/faces we will never know.

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Not sure.

This is really about commies taking over Vatican on Oct 1958...

As a Catholic I am required to reject a non Catholic who appears to be pope.

But... we are few, and considered scum of earth.

Sgg.org for more


If any questions I will try to find

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A village next to ours is having a big "Let's all be friends again" community festival to "bring everyone together" after the last two years. I feel like telling them to go to hell. There is no "We" anymore. There is only Them and Us.

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My feelings exactly. I was asked last week to be part of a small get-together with a group. Before all this shit, we would meet in a small town's (close to here) bar. We were there last April, as they all proclaimed that they had gotten the vaccine so they could all travel and go to events. One of them now has vaccine side effects and has been diagnosed with MS. My partner didn't even ask if I wanted to go (I would always drive since I don't drink). She knows that #1 they may be shedding if they have been recently boosted #2 they are incubating Covid variants because of their damaged immune systems #3 they are no longer humans. All of which makes me not want to be anywhere near them. I didn't even ask my partner how it went. I don't care because these folks are already dead. The poison inside of them is not going away. I can't say what I want to say to them... so I don't want to say anything. It's all sad but it is the real world now. The dead walk among us. Soon we have to bury them. Let's get on with it.

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May 22, 2022Liked by Lawrence Butts

They're probably hoping you'll let down your guard and doxx yourself as unvaxxed.

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This concept you wrote about also applies to . .

Osquitoos....I mean mosquito




And ....

Sundry Public officials of all description

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Apr 30, 2022·edited Apr 30, 2022

You left out cockroaches. They scatter when the light is shined on them. Boric acid placed in corners or along the base boards helps rid them too. Can't get enough boric acid. Must be a targeted supply chain issue. I haven't seen popes, Gates, Fauci, Biden,... die yet. Very stubborn creepy things.

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Pope was quite ill about 2-3 months ago, is he doing masses and all that? If one is killed by the medicine that one recommends...?!

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May 1, 2022·edited May 1, 2022

I'm not aware of his health, but that's interesting. Bugs absorb poison like boric acid powder through their feet. Maybe Borgolio stepped on something. LOL

I know Jesuits use arsenic on a fairly regular basis. It is now believed or proven more presidents and popes were eliminated in this fashion. They were sending a more powerful message with Lincoln and Kennedy, possibly FDR, too.

If I understood some medical researchers properly, DDT caused arsenic poisoning and was the basis for the polio outbreak. There was never any need for a vaccine. Just eliminate arsenic exposure, which is now prevalent in our water supply.

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We have to learn with ignorance and try to be so patient to inform you of so very much.


You HAVE BEEN LIVING WITH "THEM". Over many years prior to this Grand Flu Fraud, THEY have been trying to survive after being infected, injected, GMO'd, Polluted - externally and internally, processed food with additives etc., Drs who are ignorant as their training has been so influenced since 1910, then Big Pharma and other vested interests in making $$$from Human health disorders, Chem trails over the towns/cities and so much more that is foreign to human beings physiology. Many of these QUIET sufferers REFUSE to be Jabbed now as they have already gone through so many Auto Immune Disorders'/illnesses because of these obsessed Scientists' - & $$$ obsessed, compulsive LIARS........Schwab’s, Price Charlies and similar ilk – read ELITE CRIMINALS.

The list of illnesses that were NEVER around before the last 40 odd years and the high numbers of Auto Immune Disorders, - BEFORE this Sputnik man engineered model, and that people have been dumbed down for many years, that they now think that a jab & pills are THE answers to a cure, instant recovery from illnesses.

I could write and write of facts across so many areas of life that have been manipulated etc., but you really need to go and learn to research, learn and THINK!

Millions throughout the World have AUTO IMMUNE DISORDERS especially for the last 40 years, and I am NOT only referring to the AIDS Sufferers.

HISTORY REPEATS Itself. THINK!! It’s the façade that changes with the era.

WHY do you think we have so many Chronic and Rare diseases??? People rarely got ill, even the common cold was unusual, when I was a young person, look at all the variety of Cancers now. WHY do you think that cures are suppressed by media, health dept.’s etc.

Autism has gone from 1 in 10,000 to 1 in 42 children in USA and is still accelerating.

WHY do you think all the ill were JABBED - right at the beginning especially.

Easy targets and it could be written up as Prior illnesses too.

FREE DOWNLOAD READ Dr Judy Mikovits book who was crucified by Fauci as have many others.

It’s called “The Plague of Corruption".

Have the backbone to leave this comment on your site and PLEASE UNSUBSCRIBE ME I have too much living to do and have EARNT IT!!! I have no more time to Research for an International Health site UK for FREE, nor write on individuals sites where they earn money for indulgent nonsense.

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