The more jabs that the elderly are coerced into taking will ensure that they will die prematurely. This is a global agenda by evil elite and their collaborators. What do I envision? Killed or be killed when pushed to that point.
The more jabs that the elderly are coerced into taking will ensure that they will die prematurely. This is a global agenda by evil elite and their collaborators. What do I envision? Killed or be killed when pushed to that point.
I had two parents and an aunt "helped" into early deaths this year. Morphine, no medication that would have helped., witholdig fluids.....I think it is now codified into Medicare...
The more jabs that the elderly are coerced into taking will ensure that they will die prematurely. This is a global agenda by evil elite and their collaborators. What do I envision? Killed or be killed when pushed to that point.
I had two parents and an aunt "helped" into early deaths this year. Morphine, no medication that would have helped., witholdig fluids.....I think it is now codified into Medicare...