Yes there is cause for optimism... Our spirit, our intelligence and our hard wired survival skills give us great strength to persevere and rise to any challenges. We will not be beaten by this or any other evil. Our ancestors are right now peering over our shoulders. We shall make them proud. We shall overcome. We shall survive. We s…
Yes there is cause for optimism... Our spirit, our intelligence and our hard wired survival skills give us great strength to persevere and rise to any challenges. We will not be beaten by this or any other evil. Our ancestors are right now peering over our shoulders. We shall make them proud. We shall overcome. We shall survive. We shall prosper. We shall live as free men and women. We shall build a better world for our children. We shall defeat the beast and send him back to pit of hell.
Yes there is cause for optimism... Our spirit, our intelligence and our hard wired survival skills give us great strength to persevere and rise to any challenges. We will not be beaten by this or any other evil. Our ancestors are right now peering over our shoulders. We shall make them proud. We shall overcome. We shall survive. We shall prosper. We shall live as free men and women. We shall build a better world for our children. We shall defeat the beast and send him back to pit of hell.
Agreed. We have been able to avoid Reality these last 70 years or so. But Reality is on it's way, roaring like an oncoming express train.
Watch out for more Biden bloopers in 2022.
Biden is extremely senile AND dangerous.