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Yeah as awful as it sounds I can’t wait for the jabbed motherfuckers to die either. I know I shouldn’t dehumanize people but they’ve dehumanized themselves. I mean they got experimental vaccinations without informed consent. That kind of thing happens to animals, it doesn’t happen to human beings.

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I don't want them to die, but I find their stupidity unforgivable. In most other incidences of mass hysteria in history, people have been hamstrung by ignorance. Their only access to the truth was through what they were told by the priests and lords. Today, we have no such excuse. Everything, but everything concerning the evil now being perpetrated against us is a 5 minute search away on the internet. The real virus is stupidity.

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It is maddening for sure. How can they be this dumb, right? We all know people who we believed were intelligent who are now lining up for booster that will in no way help or protect them from anything. In fact, the booster will accelerate the decline of their immune systems that will lead to their early deaths. These smart people are acting insane. They have been brainwashed into a mass psychosis that uses fear, escape from fear and then safety to control them. There is literally nothing we can do help them at this point. Most will never wake up. The human gene pool is about to be purged of totalitarian mind virus susceptibility. I guess we can call this a good thing? I am not sure?

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My landlord is masked when he comes for the rent. I did once say that a mask will not stop a virus.

"I know".

I am not sure where else he actually does mask.

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Maybe he was doing it because he thought you might be frightened if he didn’t.

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