Nice poem, LB. We certainly have our work cut out for us to preserve/regain our freedom and defeat the forces of evil.

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We certainly do. Everyone needs to do what they can.

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Mar 6, 2022·edited Mar 6, 2022Liked by Lawrence Butts

Lawrence! Thank you for directing my attention to this post and your poetry. Tearily beautiful, and I will be a fan for life. I can't wait to buy your book.

I'm 71, in perfect health, and fighting the good fight in NH to convince parents to stop going to Health Care Vaccinators (Pediatricians) and poisoning their children. The same with aged with the toxic flu shot. Now THIS C-jab. Cognitive Dissonance was a term not in my vocabulary until these past 4 years. Sigh.

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Great Kathleen! I will be 71 in April so... we are cut from the same piece of cloth. I have been a square peg and fighter all my life. I don't plan on stopping any time soon. Sounds like you are the same...

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Mar 6, 2022·edited Mar 6, 2022Liked by Lawrence Butts

Yes - it appears kindred spirits. I can tell you that each passing day I thank God for giving me the parents he gave me. Oh do I miss them. We can't hand the torch yet I'm afraid. No rest for the weary.

I own The Americanist Library collection. Each book in the collection states:

"Not yet, O Freedom! close thy lids in slumber, for thine enemy never sleeps."

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Mar 6, 2022·edited Mar 6, 2022Author

Yes - kindred spirits for sure - our generation was blessed in so many ways. I look each morning at my parents picture.. thinking about them… missing them… wanting to talk to them… wanting to hug them… wanting to dance again with my mom… wanting play catch again with my dad.

And with all that they gave me, I will not go quietly into the night. We will not go quietly into the night. Their strength is our strength. As we have done for our entire lives, we will battle the forces of evil with iron swords of truth and justice. Because for you and I there is no alternative. Our moms and dads are watching and depending on us to fight for them and for our children and for the future of our world.

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Mar 11, 2022Liked by Lawrence Butts

Beautifully said, Lawrence. Our parents/grandparents didn't fight Nazis so we could show papers to buy food.

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My dad fought the Japanese and then the Communist Chinese in Korea for a little boy and a beautiful wife he had waiting for him in a small Midwestern town. I will not dishonor him or the guys he left behind with my acceptance of the abominations that are called the new normal. I will not go quietly into the night. I will stand and fight like he did. I think you will too.

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Mar 11, 2022Liked by Lawrence Butts

I absolutely stand with you and our brave heroes who fought and died for our freedoms. I grew up in the Midwest. My dad was in the Korean war, my mom's uncle's fought in Normany.

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Mar 7, 2022·edited Mar 7, 2022Liked by Lawrence Butts

Lawrence, thank you for this precious response back. Yes indeed "Their strength is our strength."

Yes..truth and justice is our weapon (LOL or "consequences" was the term used often by my parents to the 4 of us...3 brothers). For you, your profound and extraordinary writing, and poetic giftedness is another layer of weaponry. The pen mightier than the sword.

When you stated "...for you and I there is no alternative." is exactly what I try to explain to family (immediate and extended) when they open the door a crack. But sadly, like a spring hinged door, slams shut to continued limited understanding. I keep blinders on because my parents and grandparents photos are on my desk too; and I, like you, cannot compromise my gifts of character they passed on, and my deep love of my state, my country, humanity, and God.

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We are cut from the same piece of cloth and on the same page too… very cosmic my dear.

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Thank you for these wonderful words from you and Kathleen. I’m 76 and holding hands with the Almighty as I walk into the evil ahead. He will strengthen us for He has chosen us to play this part while we are visiting this Earth we love., Prayer is our shield and protection🙏❣️

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I am nearing 73 now and walking with the Almighty too, Susan. We are all walking with the Almighty. We are all praying to the Almighty for deliverance from evil and the restoration of the kingdom of heaven on earth. Amen

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God is Our only hope as they bring the enemy into our country through the border. ❣️❣️

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Jan 3, 2022Liked by Lawrence Butts

Happy New Year, Lawrence, and thanks for all your work.

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Thanks and Happy New Year to you and yours

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Dec 31, 2021Liked by Lawrence Butts

Well done!

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Mar 6, 2022Liked by Lawrence Butts

You took the Sword of Damocles right out of my mouth...(as if I was a circus sword swallower!)

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Feb 1, 2022Liked by Lawrence Butts

Thank you, Lawrence. The sword we are to wield and put on is the Spiritual Word, which is Jesus; every word that proceeds from the mouth of the Amighty.

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Feb 1, 2022·edited Feb 1, 2022Author

I am glad you like it - please share it - I want to give us hope - it came to me in a dream - may God help us all to defeat the beast and build a new world from the ashes of the old.

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Feb 1, 2022Liked by Lawrence Butts

I happy to hear our Lord has come to you. There is more, but I need to know how familiar you are with the beast, its system and jurisdiction. If you have knowledge of these things, then what I have to share may make much sense. It, too, is of our Lord, both in secret and in the wide open.

All blessings to you. There is much hope. Have and keep the faith.

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Powerful words. I fear for my children in ways I never thought I would. The solution to current events, is not of this world, methinks anyway!

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I think you are correct Mark and I wish I did not have to write any of this. It all makes me ill. I hope each day to wake up in relief that this has just been a horrible dream. My god help us all.

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Feb 1, 2022Liked by Lawrence Butts

We must look first to our sin. Then we will see the remedy in the world, not of the world. The world merely reflects our sin unto us. We need to correct the reflection. We can only do this if we understand our sin and amend our ways. Otherwise, we will continue to sin, and the world will be as it is and worse. For lack of a better term, I call the remedy holistic.

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I agree. Where we are is not where we should be.

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Precisely, I awake with those same feelings, as does my wife. We are trying to shield our children from the misery but they are sharp and see what's going on too. What a 'tribulation' this all is. ;-)

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Feb 4, 2022·edited Feb 4, 2022Author

I am reading an account of the Black Death right now. Unfortunately this will be etched on the consciousnesses of your children forever. We are talking about a coming ocean of tears. I examine what is going to happen in my short story on SubStack “Mercy Killing my Neighbors”. Many of the survivors of this Holocaust will have “a thousand yard stare”. Let’s hope that our children and our children's children pledge to never let this happen again.

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I hate to say this, but I no longer see a 'forever' of any kind. I think what this whole saga has demonstrated is the fact that humans are flawed, fatally and eternally, and hence I am pleased to learn (of late) that there is much more to existence than this mortal coil.

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Since my first love is poetry, I will give you as a reply, the ending lines from something I wrote and published last year in "Journeys into the Red Zone" 54 Poems for 2021

Because we are most assuredly

And without any doubt

Just the cosmos

Looking back at itself.

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Much, much more! All of us have been lied to and deceived at gargantuan levels that it is painful to accept some basic truths and undo our taught belief system. It's the minds and hearts of man that are fallible, not the design of the origin and balance of creation.

We are the proximate cause of our own injury. We followed or bet on the wrong horse. We made a muddied gray space where there is only black and white, or darkness and light, or wrong and right. In short, we don't who we are, why we are here, where we came from, and who truly controls us.

We are told we have free will, but we don't. We are told we can be anything we wish, or that we can create our own heaven or hell, but we can't. Until we learn and accept the truth of things, we will be discouraged. The problem is truth is absent from all institutions of man. The cards are stacked against us by some of man who chose to manipulate all of us very effectively.

Now, I am not a know-it-all, nor do I wish to come across this way. On the contrary, I find I know very little to nothing. In this is tribulation of the mind, and in many instances, this continues, but less and less as I accept that there is a truth, but I simply don't know all that it is. And the truth is good, very good. Also, it is available to us if we seek it out and let go of our belief systems.

Our actual hurdle here is that a great number of our brothers and sisters remain in their belief system and oppose reality with fiction, or believe a lie to be true. Therefore, any and all separation from the fiction is thought of as crazy, or theory, or flat out terrorism, whereby the opposite is true.

For me, I have come to some knowledge of things by way of studying the Law and who decides what is law. For me, this is where revelations opened up. For others, it may be something else, but so far, I can tie it all to the Law as the foundation. Our existence is by and through the Law. We followed the wrong lawmaker, a false god, an idol, thereby lost our way.

I can't explain these things in a few words, sentences, or paragraphs, but I can say all religions, governments, education institutions, courts, military, commerce, banking, finance, medical, propaganda,... institutions or industries we are accustom to are opposite the Law. Legal is unlawful and evil.

An attorney at-law is not in-law or a lawyer, but a liar, whether they know it or not. Judges don't make judgment, but render opinions. Everyone has an opinion. What makes theirs so special? Same with doctors, teachers, priests or pastors of churches, kings and officers of military and government, merchants, ... These people all make their opinions rules for man to live by. This makes no sense to me. My horse, dog and fish don't believe it either. These people didn't make or raise me. So, where do they get off thinking they have any authority over me or another man?

When all these things are abolished as promised, then we will have the Law, and our lives will be much, much better, or perfect as originally designed. No one, except one, knows when this change will occur, but by what is written, the time is near, very near. So, have hope.

Learn and accept the Law and the truth, and I believe our outlook on things will improve from night to day. This and many other blogs are a good start and platform to work toward this end. There are many layers to peel off the onion, but all are in our minds and hearts. The layers are all fiction, but are thought to be real because we care about these things.

Everything is upside down by design to wake us up because we strayed from the truth in the earliest of times. The good news is that we are given a solution or remedy, but it is meaningless if we don't awake to the truth and the Law.

I'm sorry if this sounds vague, but It's the best I can do in this short space. Again, have hope. The answers are all around us, but begin within us. Look to the Reformation period in our past for what needs to occur today. And look to how that momentum died or was squelched to see why things are the way they are at this time.

A good reference to begin with is to view and note the presentations provided by Walter Veith in his Total Onslaught and Genesis Conflict series of videos. Much is exposed here to open eyes, and many sources of information are given to continue study and verify what is shown. Again, it's just a good starting point to unravel many things. It is not the complete story. I hope this helps.

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And on that note, I feel a link coming on.... https://www.bitchute.com/video/xoU7OfqHN6Dv/

Long, it is. Worthy of your time, it is.

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Welcome Lynley. Yes it has been called a prayer by some. I didn’t write it as a prayer but it kinda is (I guess). Feel free to share it. There are more poems about the state of the world in my book of poems “Journeys into the Red Zone”. My favorite is the last poem “Earth Songs”. I have not been writing for SubStack recently because I have been writing a book (just published) called “Did I raise a mass murderer?” It has been very well received so far. Anyway I have another SubStack post brewing (spoiler alert) and it may be another installment about the coming 2nd Dark Age of Man. I am glad the poem gave you some hope. I wanted to give people some hope in this time of despair and insanity. Blessings to you and yours. Stay safe.

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Thanks Katie….

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Jan 10, 2022·edited Jan 10, 2022

So does everyone know the Spanish flu catastrophe was because of the vaccines too?

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Yes, but Rockefeller and Co. called it a serum back then. They still do when they can.

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Lawrence. I have spent two months studying the horror. The darkness. Enough!

Without the light of eternal God, there is only this digging into the sickness

I need awake movement with Spirit torches. God at their backs. Singing the love song. Reminding that death is illusion and we are eternal and love is our primary job here


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Excellent... God always wins. However, we may have to suffer greatly before we are in the peaceful arms of God. Prayer is the key to communication to our amazing love filled creator. Read 2 Chronicles. 7:14 🙏. Never give in to the Beast. Choose God and His love. He will give you strength to do this.

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Fantastic poem. Hope and unity in God space heart strength love hand in hand in soul to soul. Face forward. See the light. Believe the light. Fill your hearts with NOW. Presence.


I’ve subscribed 💚💚💚💚

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