Yes what we all expect to see every day is the "normal" world not a ditch filled with death jab accomplices with bullets in the backs of their heads. I fear that we have just had our last "normal" holiday season for quite some time. There was very little written about the Black Plague in the years immediately after it ended. Historians think that the trauma was just so great that know one wanted to talk about it. It is kind of like a war veteran not wanting to talk about what he went through. So God help us all.

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Ah but to know one self....no one but ourselves can save it...best

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I'm still horrified that Isreal signed a contract with Pfizer to be Guinea pigs. I pray to G-d everyday to save us all from this medical debacle.

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I am with you. I was getting a prescription last night. Standing in line. A mom with about the cutest maybe 4 year old daughter you have ever seen walk up to the vaccine window. They walk in front of me after she places her order to sit down in the Jab waiting area. I am like holding back tears at this point. Then I feel rage building up inside of me. I imagined this little girl as a young woman. More rage and the tears start. I wipe my eyes and leave. There is nothing I can do so save her. In my car I scream fuck fuck fuck and pound on my dashboard. I talked today about it with my best friend. I am still upset. I can still see the little girl in my mind.

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Terrible. So many have been duped and live in fear. I can’t visit my 84 year old dad because I’m not vaxxed even though I’ve had COVID and have immunities. But, he doesn’t believe in immunity. My other sister is getting a fake vax card so she can visit him. I refuse to lie or do that. It pains me so much as he is not well and most likely won’t make it much longer. My hope is he will rethink it. Prayers please!

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Good for you. He is completely in the cult of the Covid. We all have them in our lives - It is maddening to deal with - And he is your father which makes it all the more horrible. Stay strong and defiant. There is little you/we can do but hope and pray to the almighty.

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Your father is 84 but doesn't want to see you in case you infect him with covid? He is a complete idiot. Don't waste your time.

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At 84 you have 2 or 3 days left "maybe"? Just kidding...

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The UK figures for people dying of covid gave an average of 80.5. Hardly something to get excited about, they've had good innings!

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And it is probably the case that most died with Covid not because of Covid.

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G-d bless you and your family. I'm sorry you're in this predicament. Remember he is the only father you have, you will not have another. I'm not trying to guilt you, I am speaking my truth. I wish I had done more for my father while he was still alive.

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By refusing to get the toxic vaxx, I strongly believe that Butterfly2510 is honoring her father, because no loving father would want a child to put himself or herself in harm's way due to someone's (it happens to be his own) misguided views about natural immunity or the safety of these (toxic) "vaccines".

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I was referring to the fake vaxx card/lying. I wouldn't tell anyone to get the vaxx.

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Please do not consider sacrificing yourself for an 84-year-old who is deluded regarding natural immunity to SARS-CoV-2. Perhaps your sister can help to set up a Skype video so that you and your father can see each other as you talk.

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Thank you. Yes, we’re doing that regularly!

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😭😭 I'm so sorry. I really feel bad for the children getting this vaxx. Adults have a choice, whether I agree with it or not. Little kids are almost like your pets, you have total control over their lives and your decision, right or wrong, effects their lives forever. I hope you will start to get this scene out of your mind, flashbacks are terrible. G-d bless you, now and forever. 🙏

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Thanks.... May God bless and keep you, as we all move through this nightmare of all nightmares.

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I pray, pray and pray for this nightmare to be over. Hope God is listening. I cannot imagine how humans can endanger the children for money. Isn’t the whole purpose of our life to create and protect life??

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For money and for the mass cult psychosis that controls their humanity and their fundamental human instincts of: "Isn’t the whole purpose of our life to create and protect life??

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Is that true with all of the Alphabet agencies, though?

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No level of fear or misinformation should entitle parents to allow their children to be injected with experimental meds. Not in the modern day of the internet and unbiased information available everywhere - with some effort, of course.

This, I started to believe that most people have kids way too quickly and with no effort. Then they intervene when a pill or a shot is needed for their ‘health.’

I’m to the point of seeing this circumstance as ‘less competition’ for my kids.

With 1 in 44 US kids diagnosed with Autism now damaged by these shots - there will be plenty of options for my nature-loving and no medical prescriptions & zero health complications kids.

We have to stay strong and make it through this darkness!

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I agree. There are a lot of things at play here. An education system that produces dumb asses, a society that encourages and rewards conformity, an internet and social media that reinforces everything bad, a news media that does only the bidding of the totalitarians, a political structure that is worthless and exploitative, a leftist agenda that permeates almost everything in our society and the loss of the spiritual and family values necessary to maintain and grow cultures and countries. And of course, the mass psychosis that has created a cult of the vaccinated who are more than willing to sacrifice themselves and their children to the god of Covid. It is a truly a sad state of affairs we find ourselves in. There is poem that I wrote in the post, The Tick Tick Tick of the Vaccine Bomb on SubStack that will give you some hope for the future, I think? I am optimistic that we will build a new and better world from the ashes of this one.

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So why didn't you at least try & talk her out of getting her child done ?? The only way to break through the wall of propaganda is the truth . . . . as you have written !! As far as you knew she may have already had any number of people trying to red pill her - one more may have been the straw that broke the camels back & SAVED the child from a potential life of pain & misery . . . . or worse. Maybe you saying something may have been the first she'd heard that the jabs are unsafe at best & deadly at worst. What's the worst she could've done ?? Yelled at you. Next time GROW A PAIR . . . like lots of us have done in confronting complete strangers. We ARE individually those drops of water !!

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All right! Thanks for your passion... and commitment to your principals. I think that if you read more of I have written and commented on SubStack you would understand that my passion for saving everyone (especially children) is as great if not greater that yours. Let's start out with you reading this (its short) and watch the video on totalitarian control and then get back to me. The Totalitarians’ Vaccine Miscalculation (The Self-destruction of 21st Century Totalitarianism) and the The 21 Century Killing Fields (At your local pharmacy)

I hope to continue this conversation.



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You can't convince a Karen. You would have needed to start 25 years ago, and you can't get there from here. My condolences to the child and my sympathy to Mr. Butts.

I had a try ( and maybe a nibble) the other day with acquaintances, when I told them how much damage the masks were doing to their three year old grandchild's language acquisition; I wouldn't try this in the open field.

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Yes it’s a losing battle with cult of Covid members. Truly sad to experience. The damage from this insanity will haunt us for generations to come.

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Once in small restaurant I saw a masked child and got a horrible sense of what that mask was doing to that child. AWFUL!

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It is horrible. Makes me want to slap the parents... "What are doing to your child for God's sake, why is idiotic mask on your child? Are you stupid"?

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I CANNOT TAKE THIS MUCH LONGER. They are coming for the babies. I don't think I could hold back. But I am horrified. THEY ARE MANDATING KIDS FOR SCHOOL ENTRANCE JULY 1ST. I had an awful "allergic " reaction to my two Moderna shots. Strange brain fog. I go get a CT-SCAN and there is a lesion of unknown origin on the right basal ganglia. I have horrible tinnitus. I didn't even know what that was! HOW IN THE WORLD DOES A 2 YR OLD DESCRIBE BRAIN FOG? Or what happens when a baby has incessant crying because of tinnitus that will never show on any lab test or brain scan or ear exam. THEY SHOULD AT LEAST GET THOSE PARENT INFO ON THE RISKS. Like you get when asking for an abortion. Take an extra day. Take a look at Kyle Warner's YouTube channel Kyle and April - MTB. He was a professional mountain bike rider. Who now has severe medical problems. He walks everyone through it. Or Maddie DeGary in a wheelchair after the Pfizer vaccine during the clinical trial. And Pfizer didn't do a thing.

Watch Senator Ron Johnson 8 hour senate hearing. This is sooooo sad. There will be generations of heart failures in 10 yrs. Tumors. Kidney failure. Ovarian cysts.

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Hopefully, the child's body will be strong enough to benefit.

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Well Aaron Siri just scored big!!!

So all the data on their "Cominaty" (aka Comorbidity) will be out in 8 to 10 months instead of the 55 to 75 YEARS that the FDA wanted.


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I find it ironic - bear with me - that in the late 1800's there were those who put forward the idea that the Welsh were one of the lost tribes of Israel. When I look at Israel I am constantly reminded, being Welsh myself, that a country which challenges the Israeli jab madness is Wales. It is just that the Welsh covid data is so poor or lacking in detail - and many think that Wales is a province of England just like Cornwall or Yorkshire - that the jab madness in Wales is usually missed by those outside the UK.

The Welsh Government claim that 90% of the population are jabbed. There is a religious zeal for the jab in Wales that, at best, you get a peculiar look from most if you mention that you are unjabbed. People will often physically take a step or two backwards on finding out. At worst, it is potentially dangerous as all the failings of the jab are increasingly put, by Welsh politicians and media, at the fault of a tiny percentage of the Welsh who are unjabbed. I see pitchforks and burning torches in my future.

Wales before Scotland I think, re your 'The Second Holocaust' article of last October. Perhaps even Wales before anyone else.

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You are probably right. Scotland is on the list too. I just hope the numbers are not accurate. I am currently reading "A Journal of the Plague Year" by Daniel Defoe. Although it is a work of fiction and written a few years after the end of the Black Plague, it really provides a very readable and believable account of what it was like to live through this kind of event. And yes, there are similarities to what is happening today and OMG moments that make one hope that this doesn't happen now. Since there was no knowledge as to the cause of the plague at that time, people looked for someone to blame. It was very common for mobs to gather up people who they believed were responsible, crowd them into a building and then set the building on fire. We of course have the identities of many who will be to blame for this plague. I would not what to be one of these people. In my "Mercy killing my Neighbors" the pharmacies have to have armed guards. I think there will be a lot of suicides among the people who administered the Jab or medical professionals who turned a blind eye to the death they caused. Imagine living with the fact that you killed hundreds or even thousands of men, women and children while doing your "job"? The hunters will become the hunted. We will have an entire class of criminals who will be hunted like they ran Nazi death camps.

It sounds like the Welsh have for reasons we don't understand, a susceptibility to the totalitarian's mass psychosis machine. My country of ancestry, Germany is also very prone to the mind virus of totalitarianism. I have family of sorts there who I can't even really talk to about this. They are completely brainwashed by the totalitarians. As I have said before, the bright side of this (if there is one) is that the horror of what is coming may put an end to any future attempts by totalitarians to ever try this again. We must hope and pray and try to build a new world after all this plays out. The world belongs to its survivors, The Pure Bloods.

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Wales is a country dependent upon crumbs from England. It has a high percentage of the population working in the public sector and a majority dependent upon benefits in some form or the other. Such a population seems ideal for mass psychosis, especially when the news is so highly regulated and controlled by just a handful of news organisations. It is more or less the same in Scotland. People are more interested in whether they can go on holiday than whether the jabs hold any dangers. What is the latest reality TV programme or are the night-clubs open? I genuinely fear for what is coming for Wales if the worst forecasts of the likes of Geert, Sucharit and others comes to fruition. Yes, I think you are right - if the masses come to see jabbed dying, seeing their loved ones dying and know that the shots are the cause, then they will become a mob and things could get very ugly for the politicians, 'scientific advisors' and journalists who have basically mandated or promoted the jabs into billions. It does not bear thinking about.

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But I’m afraid that the death and injury will never be tied to the vaccines. As long as that’s the case people will look to other causes such as the unvaxxed or global warming. Even now, babies are stillborn and youngsters are sickened and dying but the mass denial prevails.

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It seems like they could do this, right? Hide the death? I don't think it will possible at a certain point. When things start ending because so many people are dead and they have all been vaccinated, it will become abundantly clear that the vaccine was the cause. Here are some examples: 1/2 your world class soccer team is dead or disabled, your school can't function because 1/3 of the teachers and staff are sick or dead, your hospital can't accept any more patients because 1/3 of their staff is dead or dying. If you haven't already, take a look at my Mercy Killing my Neighbors on SubStack. It fast forwards to March of this year to give you a preview of the coming world. I would caution you that this story is a little disturbing to read. I am about to begin the 3rd installment of this short story. It is disturbing to write as well but I think it needs to be written. Many of my readers agree.

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I loved, if that’s the right sentiment, that story. When I came across your sub stack by chance I didn’t connect the name with that story. But when I saw it in your archives I immediately signed up. You are a good writer. It’s not your fault the subject matter is dark and rather macabre. It’s what we’re facing. I don’t have the courage to pass it on because so many of my friends are vaxxed and it would just frighten them. Nevertheless I pray that this scenario never comes to pass. It’s in God’s hands and this nation is deserving of judgement. But I pray for His mercy.

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I am with you completely. I hate that fact that I had to write it. It is horrible. I also hope to God that it doesn't happen. But I wanted to prepare people for the possibility of it happening. I also pray for his mercy as we move through what appears to a Judgement Day.

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It's already looking like a 'witch-hunt" against us pure-bloods is a-brewing.

I share your concerns.

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Yes, we all need to obtain a firearm, learn how to use it and learn how to shoot accurately. Your life may depend in on it. I went so far as to get my conceal carry permit. I don't regret doing it now.

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Our problem here is we don't have enough people to "man" all sides of the house.

We may luck out and gather some competent, awake people before it gets too ugly, but hard to tell.

So much will depend on happenstance, once things start to get uglier.

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I am an unvaccinated 82 year old female currently in Mexico to avoid some of what I suspected would be coming. I did not tell my daughter EXACYLY why I wanted to go to Mexico. She is in California and I hope she keeps her cool there. Right now I AM pretty safe and can get IVM from a friendly MD here.

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Good Mary! Hang in there - I am in the middle of Illinois in house that I can barely take care of anymore.

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interesting that you type the "Y" instead of the "T". Must be al old people yhing!

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Biden blaming the unvaxxed does not help.

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Senile Biden lies and lies and lies - then denies it.

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Of course he denies it, he's senile!

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These are some really good points that i hadn't thought about in my own writing on mass psychosis - thanks.

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I think it is all mistake. See my post on this: https://lawrencebutts.substack.com/p/the-totalitarians-vaccine-miscalculation There is also a video attached at the bottom of the post that you should watch. Let me know what you think?

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Jan 7, 2022Edited
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And what do you think about Gates buying up so much farmland?

Doesn't bode well, if you ask me.

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I don’t thing anything Gates or any of the totalitarians do at this point makes any difference. They will be fleeing to Argentina like Nazis when the shit goes down.

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I sure hope you're right.

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Gates is making a lot of money from these vaccines, so he knows what they do and probably got a placebo shot. The other aspect of this depopulation agenda / social credit control of humanity is transhumanism. All the sudden we are hearing about silicon brain chips (Musk) or Metaverse (Zuckerberg).

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Lawrence, I just found your blog. In which country do you live? I did not think four year olds were eligible for the jab. God bless you.

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You are correct. It was my emotions talking. She was young but probably not 4 - probably 6 or 7 years old. I am 70 so I am a bit removed from the younger age groups. She was just so adorable (I always wanted a daughter to spoil rotten).

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Have you gone through content from Dr Thomas Cowan, Dr Sam Bailey, Dr Mark Bailey, Dr Stefan Lanka, or Dr Andrew Kaufman, to name a few? To think there is a “variant” or virus at all is the huge lie; learning this is critical.

If everyone in the world understood the implications of this, this whole charade would be over:

Stefan Lanka, a virologist, has conducted the first ever *proper* control experiments of both virology’s vero cell culture virus isolation experiments and the so-called genomic sequencing of SARS-COV-2— the foundational evidence for all of COVID19.

First, for context, I will explain the procedure used by all virologists to “isolate” a virus.

If you read the methodology of any “SARS-COV-2 virus isolation paper”, you will find that the procedure is as follows:

Minimally filtered snot from a sick host is added to a vero cell culture (monkey kidney cell) alongside cytotoxic antibiotics like gentamicin/amphotericin (usually at 3x normal concentration). They also add “minimal nutrient medium,” which is the minimal amounts of nutrients— DMEM (Dulbecco’s Modified Eagle Medium) and fetal bovine serum— to keep the cell alive. They also sometimes add trypsin. The cell breaks down into a bunch of fragments— called the cytopathic effect. They then stain and heat the fragments to prepare them for electron microscopy, take pictures of them and call them “viruses.”

In phase 1 of Stefan’s control experiment, he followed the exact same procedure except that he did not introduce a sample from a sick host (which virologists presuppose contains the virus, but never validate) to the culture, but used all of the other same ingredients. The exact same cytopathic effect happened, thus proving that the foundational evidence used by virologists to claim the existence of a pathogenic virus is pure pseudoscience.

In phase 2 of the control experiment, Stefan used all of the same ingredients as in the control (antibiotics, minimal nutrient medium, etc.), except that he added yeast to take the place of the snot that supposedly contains the virus and the supposed virus RNA that is uploaded into a computer program to generate a so-called “viral genome.” As Dr. Cowan describes in his recent book, Breaking the Spell, “the reason for adding the yeast RNA is because of the way that the genome of a ‘virus’ is found, a computerized process called ‘alignment.’ The alignment process starts with fragments of RNA and constructs a theoretical genome—one that never exists at any point in the actual sample. This genome never exists in any person, and it never exists intact even in the culture results; it exists only inside the computer, based on an alignment process that arranges these short pieces into an entire ‘genome.’ It is for this reason that every complete genome of SARS-CoV-2 is referred to as an ‘in silico’ genome, meaning a genome that exists only in the computer. As long as you have enough of these RNA fragments and provide the template, the computer can recreate any genome.”

Stefan was able to recreate 100% of the so-called SARS-Cov-2 genome without any clinical sample from a sick person present, but rather a random sample of yeast.

Virology is dead. This disproves all of it.

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A significant part of the discipline is definitely been compromised by the wave of self imposed conformity and totalitarian narrative support. But this has also infected other disciplines and other parts of our society rendering them aberrant and dysfunctional. The silver lining in this dark cloud of coming mass death (I can’t believe I am saying this) is the elimination of most of the compliant servants of the totalitarians’ insane narratives. I see it as the real “Great Reset” that will in one fell swoop purge the thousands of influential minions who directly or indirectly support the totalitarians drive for planetary control of the population.

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Maybe vaccines will go away forever too for the remaining pure bloods

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You're dreaming.

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It's too much to expect a wiping out of the ignorant will improve the situation for those left. The psychos in charge have already another assault to keep us all off balance since if the compliant realize they have been duped there will be war.


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I wrote a piece on this subject that you might like: The Great Reset

"The world will then belong to its survivors: The Pure Bloods" https://lawrencebutts.substack.com/p/the-great-reset

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I pray you're correct. I pray that G-d takes sides and prefers us. However, I do not believe that "...the thousands of influential minions..." have taken the jab. They'll still be here, along with their armed, unjabbed, guards.

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Biden thinks he is a king for one. Dementia can make a difference.

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He doesn't matter. None of the politicians matter at this point. The die has been cast already and what will come out it will have no more room for liars, pimps and charlatans and those who do use harm. Their time is ending. Our time is beginning.

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The ‘mass death’ concept has been said many times. What is the reason for this belief?

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The number of mechanisms of death present in the "vaccine". The most prominent being the wholesale destruction of immune systems and the self-replicating toxic spike proteins that are being pumped into people with the "boosters". The MRNA technology is flawed and will kill most who have been injected with it. The vaccinated are right now becoming infected with variants that should be stopped by healthy immune systems or memory T-cells that would normally be present after a vaccine induced infection. The vaccinated are all showing the symptoms of ADE. Fast spreading lethal cancers will be next for them and a host of other diseases that will kill them in mass. If the two doses don't kill you the third and the fourth definitely will. There is no coming back from these injections. You are headed for a box and hole in the ground.

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Hard to wrap our heads around it all. With that said, I can confirm seeing people sick who claim they are rarely sick, some people sick multiple times in a matter of a few months. On Friday I had someone say “why are so many sick?!” and I couldn’t bring myself to explain - I shared a lot of info with her many months ago but she is now “boosted”. So sad.

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It is intensely sad. I have a similar story. I am imagining my heart being ripped out of my chest by what is to come. Orphaned or dead children, friends gone, neighbors gone.... all willingly sacrificed to the god of Covid for cult of Covid. Mass insanity that we can only watch play out to its horrendous conclusion. God help us all.

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Difficult to think about, troubling to consider, frightening that many people think they are taking a drug that will do them good. Most would say it is a conspiracy theory that mass casualties will occur. The bigger problem is even if we see people dropping dead at an increased rate (outside of what we are seeing short term) there’s little chance “normies” will make the connection.

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I lost half my friends during the AIDS crisis. I’m going to lose even more now. Only some in my family are unvaxxed.

I told one of my good friends I will raise his son. Both he and his girlfriend and his baby mama are all vaxxed. He thinks I am wearing a tin hat. Even tho he is sane about everything else and has not vaxxed his kid.

I’m going to need new adult friends.

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I lost friends to AIDs too. There is still holes in my heart from a couple of them passing. And now this?

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Your bluntness and unrestrained truth telling is refreshing. We all want to tell people we know the truth. Holding it inside is a bit maddening. Unfortunately they cannot hear us. The cult is just too strong in them.

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I live in a city with indoor dining mandates. I am taking a friend / client to dinner next week. I need to find outdoor dining and explain that I stand with the unvaxxed and I won’t go indoors at any place that won’t have them.

I have other friends (not him) who I suspect would have turned in Anne Frank. And in some cities the powers that be are openly talking about camps for the unvaxxed.

Scary times.

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This is very similar to the AIDS chaos, where the “drug” actually causes the illness.

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Yes it is and with the common denominator, Dr Fauci behind the curtain pretending to the mighty Oz.

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I really appreciate your explaining the procedure. I have wondered how this was done. I also appreciate you explaining how this is can be faked to get the same results. Proving they have really found nothing. The next question is, if there are no viruses, what causes colds, flus, and other problems allegedly caused by viruses, since these things are obviously not caused by bacteria and how are they passed from person to person?

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Viruses exist, there is nothing controversial about this. Forget about the fringe idiocy from deniers, t is not productive.

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Haven't seen this one, I shall give it my attention later but a quick glance at it suggests this woman knows what she is talking about. The gut is the area of concern about a great many diseases amplified by the organic material we ingest fondly imagining it is food. Prions were unimagined until Mad Cow disease erupted in Britain through feeding the poor things with brains from slaughtered cows. ( I am not enamoured about the treatment meted out to animals). It was believed that the country would be decimated by this but it never amounted to much since the practise was soon curtailed. Injecting humans with a spike protein is a whole new game though. The young will inevitably end up with the immune responses of an 80 year old. Big Pharma must be truly salivating at this. They have 20 years to make a killing before the human population does the same thing.

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Fringe? Every single scientific paper and method uses cell cultures (bovine or monkey kidney cells) and introduced chemicals such as antibiotics, trypsin and more. It is impossible to prove cytopathic events when the mixture includes toxicity.

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Yes fringe. This simply means the opinion is not share by the majority. One can see a virus, note its effects do empirical tests upon it. The results are the same. If a treatment works and is consistent I cannot get too excited seeking alternative explanations.

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There are plenty of books/Docs such as “Virus Mania” and “The Contagion Myth”.

My general understanding:

Flu, allegedly caused by the Influenza virus falls under the same issue: lack of proper isolation.

Sickness is from toxicity and malnutrition. As you dig in on the topic of vaccines, you begin to uncover the toxic realm they introduce. Polyethylene Glycol, for instance, is toxic; some people react quickly, others may take months. What we don’t know on the surface is what such chemicals are doing to our body, our cells, our organs throughout the day.

It seems that symptoms are signs of detox; just like if you drink alcohol, your body needs to work overtime to expel the toxins.

As I’ve been trying to learn, it becomes very, very difficult to connect the dots here when you have multiple toxic occurrences at once, therefore pointing to a single cause is unlikely.

For instance, the Flu shot is seemingly harmless on the outside. But, it is constantly changed; who’s to say there wasn’t an increase of toxins or substances that create illness?

Many factors here. There is evidence around fasting, such as 24 -48 hour fasts that can help you heal quickly because your body is able to spend all of its energy on removing toxins. But it seems that this latest vaccine is on a new level.

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You are speaking to choir with me on this stuff. We just started producing and drinking distilled water and have detoxed ourselves. I just had a blood test for my immunity level and I am great for someone 70. So… yes yes don’t let them inject you with anything and don’t eat poison.

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New reader you had me at 3 Stooges.

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Good.... welcome...

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This leaves me shaking in my boots.

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I pray it happens before they really get to the babies. Disgusting what they are doing to the children. Wearing masks in schools here still. Dictator Newsom was partying with 70,000 at the Superbowl. Kids watched him. And listened to him try and explain why they can't do the same. The next day he released EVERYONE except the first graders. The schools are divided. Those with doctors mask exemptions are bullied and left to sit outside. And he requires the vaccine for 5+ to go to public school July 1st. And SB 866 gives authority to those 12+ to get covid vaccine! That is disgraceful. And SB 871 puts covid vaccine on the California Immunization schedule making the mandate permanent and applies to all daycares, preschool, private, etc. And removes any personal or religious exemption a parent has for their child. WE CANNOT WAIT MUCH LONGER..

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Yes the entire insanity needs to fall apart as soon as possible. We are nearing the end that can’t come soon enough. It comes down to if we will have millions of orphaned children or millions of dead children? May God help us get through this.

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Israel has been screwed by their own hubris. The Palestinians will take back their land without firing a shot. How ironic, that it should come to this.

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What a twist of fate, right? The cosmos has macabre sense of humor......?

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It does indeed!

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Save your life - no jab!!!!!

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Excellent article!

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Thanks! It is somewhat amusing that I seem to rise to the challenge of this subject so easily. My empathy and lifelong desire to make the world a little better is part of what motivates me to soldier on through is horrendously depressing subject. I am naturally (I believe) a poet, so I see the world through the eyes of a poet. We poets like to create visual imagery. You can see this poke through in some these posts of SubStack. You can see a bit of my poetry in the short story on SubStack “Mercy Killing my Neighbors II” and “The tick tick tick of the Vaccine Bomb”. Writing narratives is boring for me. I can say much more in 4 lines of a poetry. Fun stuff - take care!

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That's awesome, you too!

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I hope you're wrong, but fear you're right. In any event, what insanity!

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Skip ALL jabs, at least for a year or two. Then decide if any are "safe & effective"

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When you lay a map of the vaccinated against a map of the illness, you see they are but a perfect match....even a child can see this. Best to you LB

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You are correct Jacquelyn. Unfortunately we have singleminded Totalitarians on a mission and their brainwashed cult members who praise on their death beds the “injection” that is killing them. We have a lot of souls that are lost and will not be part of the world after this holocaust ends. Take care and thanks for your support.

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