
Yes what we all expect to see every day is the "normal" world not a ditch filled with death jab accomplices with bullets in the backs of their heads. I fear that we have just had our last "normal" holiday season for quite some time. There was very little written about the Black Plague in the years immediately after it ended. Historians think that the trauma was just so great that know one wanted to talk about it. It is kind of like a war veteran not wanting to talk about what he went through. So God help us all.

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Jan 6, 2022Liked by Lawrence Butts

I'm still horrified that Isreal signed a contract with Pfizer to be Guinea pigs. I pray to G-d everyday to save us all from this medical debacle.

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Jan 7, 2022Liked by Lawrence Butts

Well Aaron Siri just scored big!!!

So all the data on their "Cominaty" (aka Comorbidity) will be out in 8 to 10 months instead of the 55 to 75 YEARS that the FDA wanted.


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Jan 6, 2022Liked by Lawrence Butts

I find it ironic - bear with me - that in the late 1800's there were those who put forward the idea that the Welsh were one of the lost tribes of Israel. When I look at Israel I am constantly reminded, being Welsh myself, that a country which challenges the Israeli jab madness is Wales. It is just that the Welsh covid data is so poor or lacking in detail - and many think that Wales is a province of England just like Cornwall or Yorkshire - that the jab madness in Wales is usually missed by those outside the UK.

The Welsh Government claim that 90% of the population are jabbed. There is a religious zeal for the jab in Wales that, at best, you get a peculiar look from most if you mention that you are unjabbed. People will often physically take a step or two backwards on finding out. At worst, it is potentially dangerous as all the failings of the jab are increasingly put, by Welsh politicians and media, at the fault of a tiny percentage of the Welsh who are unjabbed. I see pitchforks and burning torches in my future.

Wales before Scotland I think, re your 'The Second Holocaust' article of last October. Perhaps even Wales before anyone else.

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I think it is all mistake. See my post on this: https://lawrencebutts.substack.com/p/the-totalitarians-vaccine-miscalculation There is also a video attached at the bottom of the post that you should watch. Let me know what you think?

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Jan 8, 2022Liked by Lawrence Butts

Lawrence, I just found your blog. In which country do you live? I did not think four year olds were eligible for the jab. God bless you.

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Have you gone through content from Dr Thomas Cowan, Dr Sam Bailey, Dr Mark Bailey, Dr Stefan Lanka, or Dr Andrew Kaufman, to name a few? To think there is a “variant” or virus at all is the huge lie; learning this is critical.

If everyone in the world understood the implications of this, this whole charade would be over:

Stefan Lanka, a virologist, has conducted the first ever *proper* control experiments of both virology’s vero cell culture virus isolation experiments and the so-called genomic sequencing of SARS-COV-2— the foundational evidence for all of COVID19.

First, for context, I will explain the procedure used by all virologists to “isolate” a virus.

If you read the methodology of any “SARS-COV-2 virus isolation paper”, you will find that the procedure is as follows:

Minimally filtered snot from a sick host is added to a vero cell culture (monkey kidney cell) alongside cytotoxic antibiotics like gentamicin/amphotericin (usually at 3x normal concentration). They also add “minimal nutrient medium,” which is the minimal amounts of nutrients— DMEM (Dulbecco’s Modified Eagle Medium) and fetal bovine serum— to keep the cell alive. They also sometimes add trypsin. The cell breaks down into a bunch of fragments— called the cytopathic effect. They then stain and heat the fragments to prepare them for electron microscopy, take pictures of them and call them “viruses.”

In phase 1 of Stefan’s control experiment, he followed the exact same procedure except that he did not introduce a sample from a sick host (which virologists presuppose contains the virus, but never validate) to the culture, but used all of the other same ingredients. The exact same cytopathic effect happened, thus proving that the foundational evidence used by virologists to claim the existence of a pathogenic virus is pure pseudoscience.

In phase 2 of the control experiment, Stefan used all of the same ingredients as in the control (antibiotics, minimal nutrient medium, etc.), except that he added yeast to take the place of the snot that supposedly contains the virus and the supposed virus RNA that is uploaded into a computer program to generate a so-called “viral genome.” As Dr. Cowan describes in his recent book, Breaking the Spell, “the reason for adding the yeast RNA is because of the way that the genome of a ‘virus’ is found, a computerized process called ‘alignment.’ The alignment process starts with fragments of RNA and constructs a theoretical genome—one that never exists at any point in the actual sample. This genome never exists in any person, and it never exists intact even in the culture results; it exists only inside the computer, based on an alignment process that arranges these short pieces into an entire ‘genome.’ It is for this reason that every complete genome of SARS-CoV-2 is referred to as an ‘in silico’ genome, meaning a genome that exists only in the computer. As long as you have enough of these RNA fragments and provide the template, the computer can recreate any genome.”

Stefan was able to recreate 100% of the so-called SARS-Cov-2 genome without any clinical sample from a sick person present, but rather a random sample of yeast.

Virology is dead. This disproves all of it.

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Jan 8, 2022Liked by Lawrence Butts

New reader you had me at 3 Stooges.

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Jan 14, 2022Liked by Lawrence Butts

This leaves me shaking in my boots.

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I pray it happens before they really get to the babies. Disgusting what they are doing to the children. Wearing masks in schools here still. Dictator Newsom was partying with 70,000 at the Superbowl. Kids watched him. And listened to him try and explain why they can't do the same. The next day he released EVERYONE except the first graders. The schools are divided. Those with doctors mask exemptions are bullied and left to sit outside. And he requires the vaccine for 5+ to go to public school July 1st. And SB 866 gives authority to those 12+ to get covid vaccine! That is disgraceful. And SB 871 puts covid vaccine on the California Immunization schedule making the mandate permanent and applies to all daycares, preschool, private, etc. And removes any personal or religious exemption a parent has for their child. WE CANNOT WAIT MUCH LONGER..

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Jan 23, 2022Liked by Lawrence Butts

Israel has been screwed by their own hubris. The Palestinians will take back their land without firing a shot. How ironic, that it should come to this.

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Jan 21, 2022Liked by Lawrence Butts

Save your life - no jab!!!!!

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Excellent article!

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I hope you're wrong, but fear you're right. In any event, what insanity!

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Skip ALL jabs, at least for a year or two. Then decide if any are "safe & effective"

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When you lay a map of the vaccinated against a map of the illness, you see they are but a perfect match....even a child can see this. Best to you LB

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