"This mutation could be adapted to spread through the unvaccinated (thus ensuring its continued survival) while it quickly kills the unvaccinated."

I think you meant to write "vaccinated" for the latter one, but yeah............ I've thought of this at times as well, being the only member of my family that refused the jabs, and hearing of all the "sudden/unexpected" deaths among the vaxed/boosted.

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Jun 7, 2022·edited Jun 7, 2022Liked by Lawrence Butts

2032: It became apparent that after the Plague Purges, in which the Vaccinated hunted down all the remaining Unvaccinated in their cities, that they could no longer interact with Nature. They sealed themselves inside their cities, some living just below ground - all dependent on air filtration and water purification to survive. They used to come out to hunt us for sport, but we stopped seeing them for a few years now. A group of us set out to inspect the cities, and we found only a wasteland. Their machinery began to break down, with limited ability to manufacture new filters, engines, and do maintenance outdoors on their technology led them to a slow decline.

We searched New York for life, and found nothing for weeks. Then one day, we came across a white flag poking out of a door. Hesitant, armed, we approached. After checking for booby traps, I volunteered to step inside. Inside I found a glass wall with another door beside it, and light immediately came on - I readied my weapon. "Help!" came a broken voice across the speaker. "Please help us, we're trapped, dying, please help us!"

2033: Technology continued to develop in our small communities, with no money to impede development - or patents, trademarks, copyright to slow down progress - we kept advancing. We made a proposal to the Vaccinated. We could help them, but all early attempts to interact - even with hazmat suits - killed those we met with in hours after exposure to wild elements. Decompression chambers could buy us more time, but the Vaccinated truly were allergic to us. Digital consciousness had been invented a few years back, it had become a way to help heal the trauma's of people exposed to the worse of the last ten years. We could preserve them, digitize them, and upload them into a contained universe. Some of our best programmers rebuilt the world from the year 2000, before all of this really began. The Vaccinated agreed, and we uploaded their digital consciousness to this simulation - this Matrix. Our programmers were really good, we could even let them experience reincarnation, giving birth to children, and so forth. Children became a division of their originally uploaded consciousness. One soul in our real world, could become thousands of personalities inside the Matrix. We felt we did the right thing. Our society was still human though, some people would enter the matrix to interact with Vaccinated human consciousness -- and for a long time this was peaceful.

2050: As time went on, humanity forgot the great trauma done to it. Some returned to hold habits, and the Matrix was hacked and stolen from where we stored it. We do not know what they will do with it.

2075: I'm old now, having lived over 100 years largely thanks to the New World we created. They've called up volunteers to enter the Matrix, and to remind the Vaccinated of who they once were - living free human beings. I'm going into help, after all that happened and that came after - the time of prosperity - I've lived a good life. They're going to upload me soon, and I'll be gone from the real world forever. This is a noble way to go for me.. I hope I can help save those people who turned on us so long ago. It's what God would want me to do.


(I've posted this to my own stack, giving credit for your inspiration)

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Jun 7, 2022Liked by Lawrence Butts



Must watch and share.

He explained it all in great details!

lots of follow the money truths

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Not only is this "Super Virus" possible, it is probable.

While we have seen multiple opinions from Geert and many others, I have a different one.

One that we may be experiencing in the "Monkeypox" outbreak right now.

And the business of pushing for child "gene therapies" is to give it cover, since most seem to agree that any "vaccination" (I hate calling it that) of our youngest members will spur even more variants, more infectious and more lethal.

"Cover" for what one might ask?

"Intentional Release."

"Only a madman would release something like this intentionally." would be the reply.

"Exactly" I would say, "Madmen on drugs! Would you put this past Gates, Schwab, Soros, or for that matter, Xi, Putin, Fauci or even the latest hero, Zelinsky?"

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Jun 7, 2022Liked by Lawrence Butts

Disturbingly good read as always, Lawrence. Even if the Super Virus doesn’t materialize or is late to the “party,” I fear deadly fear-mongered shenanigans with monkeypox / smallpox “vaccines “ could be the globalists’ next play.

This way to close for my comfort. Seems people in the know wrote this script below. Was it meant as a warning?


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Jun 7, 2022Liked by Lawrence Butts

These days, I'm feeling like - "Bring it on asap!"

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Jun 7, 2022Liked by Lawrence Butts

Every 100 years the story is repeated. The last was the so called "Spanish" flu.

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Jun 30, 2022Liked by Lawrence Butts

One needs to wonder whether the depopulationists have any feelings for all of the gung-ho vaccinated who fell for their lies? do they feel any remorse for them or pity or is purely just a pragmatic box check?

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Aug 13, 2022Liked by Lawrence Butts

Seeing how spectacularly stupid most people are, I admit this scenario doesn’t cause me terrible sadness.

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Jun 7, 2022·edited Jun 7, 2022

Any government program ALWAYS and everywhere results in the exact opposite result that the gov sets out to achieve. The war on drugs creates more drug problems. THe war on poverty creates a permanent underclass. The US IRS tries to reform or reduce paperwork and the paperwork gets worse. Anytime a bill passes with a name like the Patriot act, the result is the exact opposite of what the bill is supposed to achieve. The federal reserve system is supposed to safeguard the purchasing power of the US dollar and instead we have a worthless fiat currency

ANd so it is with this massive gov vaccine program. If you mass vaccinate a healthy population in the middle of a pandemic with a sub-optimal non sterilizing agent that could reduce symptoms this can set the stage for these vaxxed people to catch the virus carry it asymptomatically and breed variants. If one of these variants evades the immune protection and mutates and becomes more virulent the result could be a mass global causality event. I think we all should plan that this could happen

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Just in time for the mid term elections.

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There won't be anyone who will want to pick up the dead in that scenario...

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Yes. Please clarify that you meant to say “the vaxed”!! Dr. Vanden Bossche says the unvaxed will do fine with a super variant. Your speculating that a virus could be designed to infect the unjabbed too seems a tad confusing, maybe unnecessary.

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Lawrence, my understanding of entropy and laws of thermodynamics of degeneration point to less lethal and ease of spread just like with omicron. many researchers were saying 6 months to ADE after the massive vaxxing occured in 2021. its been well over a year and yes many are dropping dead like 5G birds fluttering to the ground, but its not ubitiquitous and epidemic yet. I believe in God my Father and Jesus who is merciful enough and providential enough to save a remnant long enough to bring the perps behind this convid plandemic to trial. we need a trial, a very public trial with very public capital punishments. we need to pull the threads back as to where they begin and whereever it leads to.

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Let me complete the story for you ... we are being exterminated -- details here https://www.headsupster.com/forumthread?shortId=220

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'...the Super Virus can be carried by the unvaccinated but it only gives them mild or no symptoms. But it appears to be quite lethal for the vaccinated and is killing many of them within a couple of days. Scientists think that this variate mutated to become highly contagious to both vaccinated and unvaccinated. It appears to be deadly for the vaccinated...'

If this was true, or whether it was rumoured or deliberately broadcast via the MSM, the jabbed would be forcibly jabbing the unjabbed or killing them wherever they are found.

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