Intense but necessary. We all need to consider possibilities that today seem abhorrent. Brutal alternative to the reality of false hopes that medicine is good at selling to they dying.
Reminds me of a study in which oncologists were surveyed about their personal choice for treatment, if they were so unlucky. Vast majority said no chemo, just palliative care towards the end.
Yes for the most part we are just money generating organisms for the health care industry. It's not about healing or caring for people. It's about how to monetize every part of our "health" and death.
Yes, I call it the sick-care system. This from a 20 year retired office manager. Stopped seeing MD's for "my health" long before I stopped working in the industry.
Good for you. I remember after my heart attack 5 years ago commenting to my family doctor that I was serious about my diet and I was planning on losing weight. He chuckled and said everyone goes back to their old ways after awhile. 5 years later - my cardiologist is amazed with my recovery and my weight loss. I have not been back to my family doctor since. Except for a yearly visit to my cardiologist, I stay far way from the DeathCare system.
Very Powerful. One of the first things I read this morning. It actually made me shudder. Living in a rural community of farms, orchards, homesteaders, good neighbors that help each other as we do, this scenario or a similar situation is very likely. Probably, its a given. The old family cemeteries you see on family farms will probably be used once again. Funeral homes are also pitching "natural burials" on country property. Probably not a coincidence.
Thanks Steve! This piece came out of me and was finished in less than a day. I wanted to create a vision of a world that appears to be headed our way. I guess I wanted to prepare everyone for the end of normalcy and the beginning of hell on earth. I don’t like the fact that I had to write this. The whole thing nauseates me. I want to wake up and discover it was all a bad dream.
I wish it was, but I think we are heading for our "Beirut" period in a number of places. You write an easy one. Your counterpart in the cities will read more like "World war Z" and is the first thing I thought of. 10 calls like that a day.
Everyone will eventually die. Considering the possible mechanisms of death and debilitation caused by the vaccine(at least 40) the vaccinated are in the fast lane to a box.
How incredibly sad. This had me mesmerised. I want to know if Joan helped just Stew on his way, or took her own life too.
My eldest son and his wife, my mum, my brother and his wife and sons, my best friends have all had the Clot Shot of Death. I'm so frightened about what is going to happen.
I will write the conclusion and publish it soon. I cried several times after my reading of one paragraph. It was like I was living it. Subscribe if you are not already. My heart and prayers go out to you and your loved ones. We must hope and pray that they will be all right. Take care, Lesley.
Seriously. IMV One would never put the wife through such a violent bloody means, an act that would increase the haunting memories that would be bound to occur regardless.
Let the good neighbor teach how to rig a simple helium bag, or some such implementation method.
Just a thought. Not trying to sugar cost the manifesting reality of this democide.
Thanks for your suggestion, David. In the context of what we consider the normal world, your suggestion makes perfect sense. Let me state right here that I really don't know what happens yet with Joan and Stew. I am getting close to writing this part and finding out myself. I was quite surprised that this short story resonated with so many people. It was only its length that motivated me to write part 2. And now I see it as a preface to showing this world in all its horrible detail. And that detail will include the effects upon the human psyche. For many years after the Black Plague, almost no one wrote anything about it. How could this happen? One-half of Europe was killed in a relatively short time period. Yet, no one wanted to mention it? Many believe that the psychological damage was so massive that the survivors just didn't want to read or talk about it. We live in a world that hides most of the horror of death from us. So part of what I want to do after Part 2 of Mercy Killing my Neighbors is show what is going to happen to the minds of those who are left. I am not sure if I will be successful but I will give it a go.
Book 2 in the Pillars of the Earth (Ken Follett series), called World Without End, is set in the 1400's during the Black Plague. I found it very helpful to read and plus it was very well written.
I read this hours a ago and am still in shock, although i'm in the UK. Being a believer in God (non church goer) I want to suspend judgement because I am not Almighty God and it is futile and unkind to do so. As there is a continuation to this I don't know the outcome, but I suppose I am hoping to read that this had an ending that was ok for you.
It has taken me a while to "recover" from writing this. This is from a vision of the future I had one day in the time between being awake and being asleep. The poetry I write seems to always start during this time. One of the paragraphs in this piece made me cry many times as I read it over to check my grammar and sentence structure. It feels like I have created something horrible here. But I wanted to show this world to everyone. As I awakened today, the second part appeared in my mind. So I began taking the vision and translating it into English. We all need to pray to God that this remains fiction and I am just a dreamer... having the nightmare of all nightmares.
There are some very striking similarities to what is happening and to the stories about the 2nd Coming. There is a great evil on the earth right now. So...
We all hope that it “may” happen. Unfortunately the number of potential mechanisms of disability and death from this injection dash most of our optimism onto the rocky shores of pessimism.
Well it's the Ides of August (roughly) as I write this, and while it's crystal clear to me that something is *very* wrong, it's not this bad yet. I think this going to be more drawn out on the clotshot front - I think there's plenty of other stuff to go wrong.
According to the Catholic religion, our suffering on earth is necessary to clean our soul for heaven. If we shorten it deliberately, we need to pay with more suffering in the purgatory after death, which is even worse.
It looks like the humanity has great faults to pay for, and for many their coming suffering on earth will be the payment to have the chance to go to heaven, though it’s said that many won’t be able to get there.
I would appreciate the scriptural reference to that.
Be careful not to equate man's tradition with Holy Scripter.
Christians, real Christians, will be hated and suffer persecution.
Luke 21:17
And ye shall be hated of all men for my name's sake.
Matthew 10:22
And ye shall be hated of all men for my name's sake: but he that endureth to the end shall be saved.
Matthew 24:9
Then shall they deliver you up to be afflicted, and shall kill you: and ye shall be hated of all nations for my name's sake.
John 15:25
But this cometh to pass, that the word might be fulfilled that is written in their law, They hated me without a cause.
John 17:14
I have given them thy word; and the world hath hated them, because they are not of the world, even as I am not of the world.
Some are taken away as an act of mercy.
Isaiah 57:1
The righteous perisheth, and no man layeth it to heart: and merciful men are taken away, none considering that the righteous is taken away from the evil to come.
Sometimes His most faithful are taken.
Revelation 2
12 And to the angel of the church in Pergamos write; These things saith he which hath the sharp sword with two edges;
13 I know thy works, and where thou dwellest, even where Satan's seat is: and thou holdest fast my name, and hast not denied my faith, even in those days wherein Antipas was my faithful martyr, who was slain among you, where Satan dwelleth.
Suffering can be a blessing.
Revelation 3:19
As many as I love, I rebuke and chasten: be zealous therefore, and repent.
See also "Foxx's Book Of Martyrs" on "The Avalon Project".
The Catholic religion is as corrupt and profane as it gets. Read the history of it that I never learned until my 30s. The Pope is pushing for the depopulation shots as spiritual advisor to the globalists.
THIS IS A COMMON THOUGHT FOR ME IN MY LITTLE VILLAGE.....I think I was one of only 20 in the village of 300, that didn´t get vaxxed.....I can´t tell exactly how many have died already, because they take them away to the "hospital"....then the next thing is I hear the church bell, ringing its special cadence, one for the men and another for the women.....
I don´t go out to ask anymore....I just pretend that it is time for the service at matter what time it my estimation it must be around 30 or 40, that have passed in the last year.....a funeral nearly every week.
Interesting! So I am here in a town of about 168,000. The obituary is expensive and few people use it. So I don’t know what is really happening here. We have a photographic business and we have lost clients to “died suddenly”. But just in the last 2 months the housing market (we do a lot of real estate) has seen almost a doubling of houses for sale. It has been great for us. But here is the problem: Brokers that always paid us are not paying or slow paying. You guessed it - they have houses but no buyers. So they have almost no money coming in. My partner (and photographer) asked me about it yesterday. I said it’s really simple. Supply has increased because the population is in a slow decline. So who knows how many are gone? And of course prices that were at record highs are falling every day. No way to delay that trouble coming every day.
This reminds me of Charles Dickens' "A ChristmasCarol"with Lawrence as the ghost of Christmas Future.
I had some involvement with the system a few years ago with a couple who both wanted out, both for legally acceptable reasons, except she was a little too compromised to "consent."
Once the government and lawyers are involved you have a problem.
I am hoping you rewrite this March 16, with appropriate descriptions of the bureaucratic barriers. Best regards, R.
Interesting observation rjt. We don't always realize the subtle influences that shape how we think and how we write. I think I will write another part to this story. The world I must enter to write this is disturbing to say the least. The mental images that I create are not what anyone would call "normal".
So foolish to fool around with the mRNA microbiome which science is only just beginning to understand. It was recently discovered that chronic lymphocytic leukemia spreads through RNA containing exosomes. The vaccine uses what are basically synthetic RNA containing exosomes. If the mRNA inside the cancerous exosomes is also pseudourylated then that would mean the vaccine evades the immune system through the same means that cancer uses to evade the immune system.
What is even more insidious is how the vaccine impairs DNA repair functions (enzyme alterations) in the cells of the vaccinated and it looks to be the stopping P53 and P21 genes that work to kill mutated stem cells. All of this can result in highly aggressive fast-spreading untreatable cancers.
Which killed my children's father in late Oct. He had both jabs. Dead 6 months later. Doctors at 3 Hospitals could not diagnose. Had never seen such massive, invasive tumors between heart, lungs and spine. Still not a proper diagnosis. No cancer prior or any other issue. He was just 60. I feel for my kids, one buying this garbage( she's a nurse). The other my son( like me) says no Way! I fear for her and my eldest grandson she had jabbed. What part of 'experimental' do people find confusing??
These people lack non-verbal reasoning IQ. They're the same types of people who think that four cars driving across the country will get there twice as fast as two cars if you get what I'm saying. This would also explain why they think having a huge enough number of people in the clinical trial (which isn't even anywhere near as many as the trial done for Salk's polio vaccine in the 50s!) means you can get it done faster and skip steps ergo not experimental anymore. Good grief could they insult my intelligence any further?!
Yep. My healthy (but for Dementia) Mom got the J&J vax, and within 10 months, was diagnosed with Leukemia. She was dead within two months of diagnosis.
Intense but necessary. We all need to consider possibilities that today seem abhorrent. Brutal alternative to the reality of false hopes that medicine is good at selling to they dying.
Reminds me of a study in which oncologists were surveyed about their personal choice for treatment, if they were so unlucky. Vast majority said no chemo, just palliative care towards the end.
Yes for the most part we are just money generating organisms for the health care industry. It's not about healing or caring for people. It's about how to monetize every part of our "health" and death.
Yes, I call it the sick-care system. This from a 20 year retired office manager. Stopped seeing MD's for "my health" long before I stopped working in the industry.
Good for you. I remember after my heart attack 5 years ago commenting to my family doctor that I was serious about my diet and I was planning on losing weight. He chuckled and said everyone goes back to their old ways after awhile. 5 years later - my cardiologist is amazed with my recovery and my weight loss. I have not been back to my family doctor since. Except for a yearly visit to my cardiologist, I stay far way from the DeathCare system.
Very Powerful. One of the first things I read this morning. It actually made me shudder. Living in a rural community of farms, orchards, homesteaders, good neighbors that help each other as we do, this scenario or a similar situation is very likely. Probably, its a given. The old family cemeteries you see on family farms will probably be used once again. Funeral homes are also pitching "natural burials" on country property. Probably not a coincidence.
Thanks Steve! This piece came out of me and was finished in less than a day. I wanted to create a vision of a world that appears to be headed our way. I guess I wanted to prepare everyone for the end of normalcy and the beginning of hell on earth. I don’t like the fact that I had to write this. The whole thing nauseates me. I want to wake up and discover it was all a bad dream.
I wish it was, but I think we are heading for our "Beirut" period in a number of places. You write an easy one. Your counterpart in the cities will read more like "World war Z" and is the first thing I thought of. 10 calls like that a day.
Everyone will eventually die. Considering the possible mechanisms of death and debilitation caused by the vaccine(at least 40) the vaccinated are in the fast lane to a box.
Read "One Second After"
Pretty good best case scenario of what could happen in a total grid collapse.
Best case because the book kept the police on a tight chain and there was no societal break down in the town.
With the government pitting of the several groups in America against each other, do not expect things to go so well.
Great book!
Mercy Killings are murder by another name. God said in one of His Ten Commandments: "Thou Shalt Not Kill".
The commandment implies that you shall preserve life, and this is supported in the scriptures.
To perform a "Mercy Killing" if to deny the providence of God.
Right but it gets your attention? And no one is actually killed in the story... so
How incredibly sad. This had me mesmerised. I want to know if Joan helped just Stew on his way, or took her own life too.
My eldest son and his wife, my mum, my brother and his wife and sons, my best friends have all had the Clot Shot of Death. I'm so frightened about what is going to happen.
I will write the conclusion and publish it soon. I cried several times after my reading of one paragraph. It was like I was living it. Subscribe if you are not already. My heart and prayers go out to you and your loved ones. We must hope and pray that they will be all right. Take care, Lesley.
Please consider a less gruesome means to the end.
Seriously. IMV One would never put the wife through such a violent bloody means, an act that would increase the haunting memories that would be bound to occur regardless.
Let the good neighbor teach how to rig a simple helium bag, or some such implementation method.
Just a thought. Not trying to sugar cost the manifesting reality of this democide.
Thanks for your suggestion, David. In the context of what we consider the normal world, your suggestion makes perfect sense. Let me state right here that I really don't know what happens yet with Joan and Stew. I am getting close to writing this part and finding out myself. I was quite surprised that this short story resonated with so many people. It was only its length that motivated me to write part 2. And now I see it as a preface to showing this world in all its horrible detail. And that detail will include the effects upon the human psyche. For many years after the Black Plague, almost no one wrote anything about it. How could this happen? One-half of Europe was killed in a relatively short time period. Yet, no one wanted to mention it? Many believe that the psychological damage was so massive that the survivors just didn't want to read or talk about it. We live in a world that hides most of the horror of death from us. So part of what I want to do after Part 2 of Mercy Killing my Neighbors is show what is going to happen to the minds of those who are left. I am not sure if I will be successful but I will give it a go.
Book 2 in the Pillars of the Earth (Ken Follett series), called World Without End, is set in the 1400's during the Black Plague. I found it very helpful to read and plus it was very well written.
Thanks I will check this out
I read this hours a ago and am still in shock, although i'm in the UK. Being a believer in God (non church goer) I want to suspend judgement because I am not Almighty God and it is futile and unkind to do so. As there is a continuation to this I don't know the outcome, but I suppose I am hoping to read that this had an ending that was ok for you.
It has taken me a while to "recover" from writing this. This is from a vision of the future I had one day in the time between being awake and being asleep. The poetry I write seems to always start during this time. One of the paragraphs in this piece made me cry many times as I read it over to check my grammar and sentence structure. It feels like I have created something horrible here. But I wanted to show this world to everyone. As I awakened today, the second part appeared in my mind. So I began taking the vision and translating it into English. We all need to pray to God that this remains fiction and I am just a dreamer... having the nightmare of all nightmares.
Gosh, you had to translate it too.
Important writing.
It was a vision, something which hasn't happened?
This takes place next spring March 15, 2022, the Ides of March. So it's in the near future and hopefully will it not happen.
Like the dystopian real nightmare which we are stepping into, before Christ comes back to reinstate his Kingdom?
There are some very striking similarities to what is happening and to the stories about the 2nd Coming. There is a great evil on the earth right now. So...
What "may" happen. Not "will."
We all hope that it “may” happen. Unfortunately the number of potential mechanisms of disability and death from this injection dash most of our optimism onto the rocky shores of pessimism.
Well it's the Ides of August (roughly) as I write this, and while it's crystal clear to me that something is *very* wrong, it's not this bad yet. I think this going to be more drawn out on the clotshot front - I think there's plenty of other stuff to go wrong.
I guess - Steve just published this:
According to the Catholic religion, our suffering on earth is necessary to clean our soul for heaven. If we shorten it deliberately, we need to pay with more suffering in the purgatory after death, which is even worse.
It looks like the humanity has great faults to pay for, and for many their coming suffering on earth will be the payment to have the chance to go to heaven, though it’s said that many won’t be able to get there.
I would appreciate the scriptural reference to that.
Be careful not to equate man's tradition with Holy Scripter.
Christians, real Christians, will be hated and suffer persecution.
Luke 21:17
And ye shall be hated of all men for my name's sake.
Matthew 10:22
And ye shall be hated of all men for my name's sake: but he that endureth to the end shall be saved.
Matthew 24:9
Then shall they deliver you up to be afflicted, and shall kill you: and ye shall be hated of all nations for my name's sake.
John 15:25
But this cometh to pass, that the word might be fulfilled that is written in their law, They hated me without a cause.
John 17:14
I have given them thy word; and the world hath hated them, because they are not of the world, even as I am not of the world.
Some are taken away as an act of mercy.
Isaiah 57:1
The righteous perisheth, and no man layeth it to heart: and merciful men are taken away, none considering that the righteous is taken away from the evil to come.
Sometimes His most faithful are taken.
Revelation 2
12 And to the angel of the church in Pergamos write; These things saith he which hath the sharp sword with two edges;
13 I know thy works, and where thou dwellest, even where Satan's seat is: and thou holdest fast my name, and hast not denied my faith, even in those days wherein Antipas was my faithful martyr, who was slain among you, where Satan dwelleth.
Suffering can be a blessing.
Revelation 3:19
As many as I love, I rebuke and chasten: be zealous therefore, and repent.
See also "Foxx's Book Of Martyrs" on "The Avalon Project".
The Catholic religion is as corrupt and profane as it gets. Read the history of it that I never learned until my 30s. The Pope is pushing for the depopulation shots as spiritual advisor to the globalists.
I like to find new friends online to communicate with. So glad I found this one.
And except for an MD friend except for hip surgery about 4-5 years ago I am doing pretty well.
THIS IS A COMMON THOUGHT FOR ME IN MY LITTLE VILLAGE.....I think I was one of only 20 in the village of 300, that didn´t get vaxxed.....I can´t tell exactly how many have died already, because they take them away to the "hospital"....then the next thing is I hear the church bell, ringing its special cadence, one for the men and another for the women.....
I don´t go out to ask anymore....I just pretend that it is time for the service at matter what time it my estimation it must be around 30 or 40, that have passed in the last year.....a funeral nearly every week.
Interesting! So I am here in a town of about 168,000. The obituary is expensive and few people use it. So I don’t know what is really happening here. We have a photographic business and we have lost clients to “died suddenly”. But just in the last 2 months the housing market (we do a lot of real estate) has seen almost a doubling of houses for sale. It has been great for us. But here is the problem: Brokers that always paid us are not paying or slow paying. You guessed it - they have houses but no buyers. So they have almost no money coming in. My partner (and photographer) asked me about it yesterday. I said it’s really simple. Supply has increased because the population is in a slow decline. So who knows how many are gone? And of course prices that were at record highs are falling every day. No way to delay that trouble coming every day.
For whom the bell tolls? The bell tolls for thee.
This reminds me of Charles Dickens' "A ChristmasCarol"with Lawrence as the ghost of Christmas Future.
I had some involvement with the system a few years ago with a couple who both wanted out, both for legally acceptable reasons, except she was a little too compromised to "consent."
Once the government and lawyers are involved you have a problem.
I am hoping you rewrite this March 16, with appropriate descriptions of the bureaucratic barriers. Best regards, R.
Interesting observation rjt. We don't always realize the subtle influences that shape how we think and how we write. I think I will write another part to this story. The world I must enter to write this is disturbing to say the least. The mental images that I create are not what anyone would call "normal".
We will see, won't we?
Thank you for writing this. It is more valuable than gold, especially now.
Thank you. I hate that I had to write it. But you are right. This story needs to be told and people need to prepare their minds for what is coming.
So foolish to fool around with the mRNA microbiome which science is only just beginning to understand. It was recently discovered that chronic lymphocytic leukemia spreads through RNA containing exosomes. The vaccine uses what are basically synthetic RNA containing exosomes. If the mRNA inside the cancerous exosomes is also pseudourylated then that would mean the vaccine evades the immune system through the same means that cancer uses to evade the immune system.
What is even more insidious is how the vaccine impairs DNA repair functions (enzyme alterations) in the cells of the vaccinated and it looks to be the stopping P53 and P21 genes that work to kill mutated stem cells. All of this can result in highly aggressive fast-spreading untreatable cancers.
Which killed my children's father in late Oct. He had both jabs. Dead 6 months later. Doctors at 3 Hospitals could not diagnose. Had never seen such massive, invasive tumors between heart, lungs and spine. Still not a proper diagnosis. No cancer prior or any other issue. He was just 60. I feel for my kids, one buying this garbage( she's a nurse). The other my son( like me) says no Way! I fear for her and my eldest grandson she had jabbed. What part of 'experimental' do people find confusing??
These people lack non-verbal reasoning IQ. They're the same types of people who think that four cars driving across the country will get there twice as fast as two cars if you get what I'm saying. This would also explain why they think having a huge enough number of people in the clinical trial (which isn't even anywhere near as many as the trial done for Salk's polio vaccine in the 50s!) means you can get it done faster and skip steps ergo not experimental anymore. Good grief could they insult my intelligence any further?!
Yep. My healthy (but for Dementia) Mom got the J&J vax, and within 10 months, was diagnosed with Leukemia. She was dead within two months of diagnosis.
Horrible Nina... I am sorry. Take care
Dear God 🙏🏼🙏🏼
We are not going to get out of this nightmare by a modern mass die off although many of us have that (unwanted?) fantasy...