There is a ticking of a doomsday clock akin to the iconic Nuclear War Doomsday Clock that we have watched for decades move closer to Armageddon. But this clock is counting down the minutes and hours to the time when the masses of the vaccinated among us, realize something horrible; that they have been poisoned by an injection that will soon kill them while leaving their unvaccinated relatives, children, and friends alive and well. This awakening process has already started. The red pills have not yet reached their lips, but bowls of pills are appearing everywhere. Joe Rogan exposed a large container of red pills to millions in his recent interview with Dr. Malone. The totalitarians and their minions had to try to erase the red pills’ online existence and then try to force everyone to unsee what they had clearly seen with their own eyes. All of this can only go on for so long before it will become obvious to millions of vaccinated folks that they have been lied to.
How will we get from bowls of red pills to red pills swallowed, to completely awakened individuals, and then finally to mass hysteria? And when I say mass hysteria, I mean individuals or groups completely losing their minds, and acting irrationally or violently when reality smacks them in the face. Just imagine quickly going from being a mask-wearing vaccines-will-save-us true believer to realizing that your entire family is going to die horribly because you believed the government and everyone you trusted had lied to you? These people are going to lose their minds. Many of the events below may happen in the future as this macabre drama unfolds.1
Random killings of guilty people2
Targeted assassinations of guilty people3
Destruction of property associated with guilty people or organizations (arson and even bombings)
Random destruction of property
Random executions of innocent people4
Mob action with executions of guilty people
Mob destruction of guilty peoples' property
Random acts of violence and crime by individuals or mobs5
Individual suicide6
Group suicide7
Mob action against authority, their buildings, and assets
Vaccinated parents desperately trying to find homes for their unvaccinated children8
Vaccinated folks desperately trying to find homes for their pets9
Vaccinated people giving their money and property away to charities or unvaccinated relatives or friends
The question now being: What are the events or mechanisms necessary to trigger a major red pilling of millions of vaccinated folks and then create mass hysteria?
First and foremost, we must remember that most (not all) of the vaccinated are members of the Cult of Covid.10 They are immersed in a mass psychosis created by the totalitarians to gain control of the planet. They have gradually been brought to the point where they have willingly relinquished control of their own lives for the safety provided by masks, restrictions, and vaccinations. Their personal safety is tied to the fear created by the mass psychosis. This is why the totalitarians must keep the fear alive. Without the fear factor, the need for safety disappears. When the need for safety disappears, the need and reasons for control disappears.
So what is happening right now? The fear factor is disappearing and with it the need for safety. The vaccinated don't want to catch the latest variant but they are not deathly afraid of it either (they have been vaccinated and are protected). And they must now watch what appears to be a growing number of unvaccinated folks ignoring their fears and their safety protocols. They see the unvaccinated getting by just fine and actually doing better against the variants with both infection rates and outcomes. I think a series of keys need to unlock the brains of the vaccinated before their mass hysteria can begin.
The first keys look like this:
Disappearing fear → Less need for safety → Seeing the unvaccinated thrive → See safety protocols challenged or eliminated → Question the need for safety protocols → Question the need for control over their lives
The second keys look like this:
Narrative breakdown → Narrative source discreditation → Leaks of contrary information → Official sources discreditation → A flood of the truth → Question the narrative → Begin to reject the narrative → Understand they have been lied to
The third (hysteria) keys look like this:
Have many vaccinated friends, relatives or work associates die unexpectedly or quickly from illnesses or conditions → Lose a vaccinated spouse or child unexpectedly or quickly from illnesses or conditions → Exposure to the truth about the vaccine and its coming lethality for the vaccinated
Every vaccinated person will be awakened in a different way and at a different time by many of these keys or the combinations of these keys.11 There might be an upcoming event or series of events that might accelerate the mass red pilling that is currently underway via the above keys.12
All of which reminds me of an old song by Alice Cooper, “Welcome to My Nightmare”. No, this is not just my nightmare; it is our nightmare and we get to share it.
The good news here is that vaccinated folks who are sick or their relatives are sick will not be doing much except trying to survive. So they will not be engaging in crimes or acts of violence.
A guilty person is anyone who moved forward, protected, or perpetuated the false narrative and policies that fooled or coerced 4.5 billion people into taking these injections. It also applies to anyone involved in the creation, manufacturing, selling, and distribution of the “vaccines” and anyone involved in the injection processes. See my post, Will there be room in Argentina for all the Vaccine Genocide Criminals? for more on the guilty.
High-profile people who promoted the vaccine will definitely have large targets on their backs.
There are plenty of examples of this in history. Crazy mobs do crazy things. During the Black Plague “guilty” people were herded into buildings and burned alive as the mobs cheered.
This will be from vaccinated folks or just common criminals taking advantage of the situation.
I think there will be waves of vaccinated folks committing suicide in the future.
My short story on SubStack “Mercy Killing my Neighbors” examines suicide in the coming world.
There will literally be millions of orphaned children that the Pure Bloods will have to deal with. Expect to see orphanages again.
This is going to be tragic for millions of pets across the world. Many will end up being killed for a variety of reasons.
Someone who was forced into the “vaccine” is most likely not a true cult member.
Some will of course never be awakened. They will lay on their death beds because of the vaccine thanking the vaccine for keeping them safe.
This could come from Israel. See my post “The Second Holocaust” for more on this subject.
I hope all the vaxxed don’t die. People I cared about thought it was a good thing to do. Even Dr. Malone was vaxxed, and some doctors think effects could wear off.
Thanks for the link. Yes the process is called transcription. Messenger RNA can become part of your DNA. The spike proteins in the injection contain Messenger RNA. It is insane what they have injected in people.